Real time diagnostic of essential cardio biomarkers

Point of Care Test (POCT)
Cardiac Diagnostics System for biomarkers in whole blood.
Real time analysis of the essential biomarkers in blood for CVD patients. To reduce emergency room and private clinic’s loads. An AI assisted self-learning algorithm, managed and supervised by MD on site or at a distance. Cost effective analysis for patient and insurance. A noninvasive portable blood analysis device, to be deployed always and everywhere.
Current Troponin Diagnostic Methods
The usage of antibodies oblige to measure with Photoluminescence.
No high throughput Screening (HTS)
Photoluminescence don’t allow high through-put sensing.
No Label Free
All Cardiac Biomarkers Diagnostic Devices on the market use reagents to label Troponin in the blood for detection by Photoluminescence.
Time-consuming method
Impossible to measure in whole blood, needs to fractionate the blood.
Spectants Troponin Diagnostic Method
High Sensitivity
100 X more sensitive to Cardio Troponin molecule than current cardio diagnostic devices.
High Throughput Screening (HTS)
Measuring the sample with several hundreds’ sensors at once for good statistics.
Label Free
No added reagents.
A direct whole blood diagnosis.
Real Time
Processing 10X time faster than current devices
“Each year Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD) causes an estimated 17 million deaths worldwide, accounting for one-third of all deaths worldwide. More than one-third of these deaths occur in middle-aged adults.”
“In developed countries heart disease and stroke are the first and second leading cause of death among adult men and women.”
“CVD currently claims more lives each year than cancer and chronic lung disease combined. More than 360,000 people died in 2016 of CHD, the most common type of HD. (almost every minute a person dies in the US), overall 121.5 million. ”
– Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics – 2019 Update.
Target markets and customers
Units to be diploid at need by trained hospital stuff.
Units to reduce saturation of room in daily and crises situations
On site assessment for quick decision making by MD for further treatment of patients.
Real time blood analysis for CVD treatment.
Cost effective blood analyzing units in less space.
Cost effective blood diagnostic battery charged units.
Find out more about the Cardiac Diagnostics System for Biomarkers in whole blood